
The Guild

Aartan Away is produced by members of "The Watchers of Aartan" guild. Originally a Star Wars Galaxies PA (Player Association) "Aartan Ridge" was founded during the early development of SWG and thrived right through to the New Game Experience (NGE).

Despite SWG's fall from grace in the eyes of many, the guild and community of Aartan Ridge stayed together, branching out into other games and taking on many new members whilst staying connected through the Worlds Away Forums

With the announcement of a new MMO set in the Star Wars universe, the "The Watchers of Aartan" are once again faced with the exploration of a galaxy far, far away...

The Podcast

We decided to produce a podcast to give Worlds Away and The Watchers of Aartan another voice in addition to forums, as a new means of artistic expression, and in order to engage with the wider SWTOR community. In October 2010, Aartan Away became a proud member of the TOR Syndicate. Many Worlds Away community members contribute to the Aartan Away podcast, but the two regular hosts are:

Simon Depledge (Orix)

Simon is an avid gamer and a long standing member of Aartan Ridge and Worlds Away. His MMO experience includes Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online and Guild Wars. He has a passion for roleplaying, developing detailed back stories and accompanying fiction for the characters he plays online. Simon does not just explore online worlds, having recently returned from Japan, where he's partially documented his journey with a series of videos. Check them out http://www.youtube.com/user/SimonDepledge

Richard O'Neill (Xeevo)

Rik has been playing online games since the olden days when Everquest was king. He bought his first decent computer in anticipation of the release of SWG. When not playing games he produces various podcasts and audio fiction. Check out some of his work http://www.vexationaudio.com/