Tuesday 24 January 2012

One month

SWTOR has just passed its first month of full existence. We have some people who are already tired of it, some people already at top level, and some people drifting in between. There was always going to be a drop-off at the one month point, we’ll see it again at three months, I suspect.

MMOs are a bit like the dating game – sometimes you go on a blind date, and it’s all very lovely, but it’s really not for you. Some people rush headlong into relationships and are married barely weeks after they’ve met. For others it is all about the thrill of the chase, the anticipation of the arrival of SWTOR was far more exciting than the game itself. And for the rest of us, a relationship takes time to develop, and we’re patient enough to give that relationship a bit of time.

However that patience will only stretch so far. There are flaws in the game. There are bugs, there are frustrations, there are mechanics that could have been done better. Our strength in TOR is our sense of community, but that will only sustain us so far.

We’ll have to wait to see where the game goes next.

1 comment:

  1. SWTOR was far more exciting than the game itself. And for the rest of us, a relationship takes time to develop, and we’re patient enough to give that relationship a bit of time.swtor credits
    swtor credits
